HowTo Create A Release for Emle

A fake id of "Emle 3.2-5 (BL0123)" is used as the new release in the examples below.

1. Create release notes.

This step is done first in order to obtain a release id from It will be
used in links within web pages that are to be part of this release.

  a. Identify changes since previous release.

   i.   Browse
   ii.  Then update the contents in*checkout*/emle/emle/dev/notes.txt
        Use these note in step 1.b.iv below.

  b. Add a new release to the existing package(emleFF) in

        EMLE - Electronic Math Lab Equipment
        File Release System
        Releases:  [Add Release]  Package Name [emleFF] 
        EMLE - Electronic Math Lab Equipment
        Create a File Release
        New release name: [3.2-5 (BL0123)] 	
        Of which package: [emleFF]
        [Create This Release]
        EMLE - Electronic Math Lab Equipment
        Step 1: Edit Existing Release - Paste The Change Log In:
        Copy and paste from the previous release adding the contents from 1.a.ii
    v.  Submit change notes.
        Step 1: -> [Submit/Refresh]

2. Modify version strings (for example: 3.2-4-> 3.2-5) in the source code.

Change these files and commit to CVS on
using the new version as the commit comment (for example:
3.2-5). There may be more than one occurrence of the string
in a file. They are located in work/

 o emle/dev/web_site.html
 o emle/emle_lab.css
 o emle/emle_menu.html
 o emle/include/menu.htmli
 o htdocs/include/index.htmli
 o htdocs/include/menu.htmli    # Add release_id.

Change the library_version field in OLPC Sugar bundle collection definition file.
Use the integer number from the baselevel (123 for BL0123).

 o emle/library/

3. Tag and grab the source code.

 o cvs -z3 tag -R BL0123
 o Set default directory to work/
 o cvs -z3 export -R -r BL0010 -d emle030205_BL0123 emle

4. Create package files of the emle directory sandbox which is now free of CVS control files. Examples are for:
3.2-5 (BL0123). Files/directories are in work/ Note: there is no compile/link step.

 a. tar archive name: emle030205_BL0123.tar
 b*. OLPC library collection bunble file name: emle030205_BL0123.xol (renamed zip file)

* Newly added. Modify additional steps as needed then update this document to include missing steps.

5. Upload tar release file to from work/

 a. Follows steps in 1 above to get the the create a new release page.
 b. Step 2:   Add Files To This Release
 c. Follow the "upload new files" link
 d. In the "Web Upload" section follow the "Web upload page" link.
 e. Authentication Required...[Login]
 f. File Release System: Upload a File - Browse
 g. work\\emle030205_BL0123.tar
 h. [Upload File]
 i. It should list the file in the table titled
   "The current contents of your uploads dir:" 

6. Add uploaded file to the new Emle release.

 a. Follows steps in 1 above to get the the create a new release page.
 b. Step 2:   Add Files To This Release
 c. [x]emle030205_BL0123.tar - ... bytes 
 c. [Add Files and/or Refresh View]

7. Enter Release info.

 a. Continue from above.
 b. Step 3: Edit Files In This Release
 c. Filename:     emle030205_BL0123.tar
 d. Release:      emleFF: 3.2-5 (BL0123)
 e. Processor:    Platform Independent      
 f. Release Date: 2008-06-21
 e. File Type:    Other
 f. [Update/Refresh]

8. Release Emle.

 a. Continue from above.
 b. Step 1:   Edit Existing Release 
 c. Status: Active
 d. [Submit/Refresh]

9. See that it worked.

 a. Download - Browse All Packages
 b. "Latest File Releases" table should have:
  "emleFF 3.2-5 (BL0123) June 12, 2008"
 c. Follow the link "3.2-5 (BL0123)"
 d. "You have selected to download the 3.2-5 (BL0123) release. "
 e. Under "Latest 3.2-5 (BL0123) Notes (2008-06-12 10:02)"
 follow the link "emle030205_BL0123.tar"

10. Untar the file and verify it works correctly.

11. Follow instructions in Project Emle
Developer Documentation "HowTo Update Web Site with a New Release for Emle"

12. Follow instructions in Project Emle
Developer Documentation "HowTo Setup CVS Sandbox for Emle"

13. Update documentation on other sites

Modified 8-Nov-2008