HowTo Create A Release for Emle


Note that previously SourceForge was used by Emle for the source code repository.


A fake release name of Emle 3.2-5 (BL0123) is used as the new release in the examples below.


  1. Identify changes since previous release, determine new release name, and update the developer notes.
    1. List exiting release names.
      • bzr tags --directory lp:emle
    2. Use the most recent tag to get changes since it.
      • bzr log --revision 'tag:Emle 3.2-4 (BL0122)'.. --line bzr+ssh://
    3. Use the list of changes to determine if the new release is a:
      • MajorRelease
      • DotRelease
      • DashRelease
    4. Then edit the contents of:
      • work/lp:emle/emle/dev/notes.txt
    5. Commit to bzr. Use just "Emle 3.2-5 (BL0123)" as the commit comment.
    Use these notes in step 1.b.iv below.
  2. Modify version strings (for example: 3.2-4 -> 3.2-5) in the source code.
    1. Change these files
    2. Commit to bzr. Use just "Emle 3.2-5 (BL0123)" as the commit comment.
    There may be more than one occurrence of the release name in some of the files. These files are located in work/lp:emle/:
  3. Tag the source code and build the release.
  4. Create SourceForge release notes.

    This step is done first in order to obtain a release id from SourceForge. It will be used in links within web pages that are to be part of this release.

    1. Add a new release to the existing package(emleFF) in SourceForge:
        EMLE - Electronic Math Lab Equipment
        File Manager
      3. Create A New Folder
        New Folder Name: [3.2-5 (BL0123)]
        EMLE - Electronic Math Lab Equipment
        Step 1: Edit Existing Release - Paste The Change Log In:

        Copy and paste from the previous release adding the contents from 1.a.ii above.

      5. Submit change notes.
        Step 1: -> [Submit/Refresh]
  5. Upload tar release file to SourceForge from work/
    1. Follows steps in 1 above to get the SourceForge create a new release page.
    2. Step 2: Add Files To This Release
    3. Follow the "upload new files" link
    4. In the "Web Upload" section follow the "Web upload page" link.
    5. Authentication Required...[Login]
    6. File Release System: Upload a File - Browse
    7. work/
    8. [Upload File]
    9. It should list the file in the table titled "The current contents of your uploads dir:"
  6. Add uploaded file to the new Emle release.
    1. Follows steps in 1 above to get the SourceForge create a new release page.
    2. Step 2: Add Files To This Release
    3. [x]emle030205_BL0123.tar - ... bytes
    4. [Add Files and/or Refresh View]
  7. Enter Release info.
    1. Continue from above.
    2. Step 3: Edit Files In This Release
    3. Filename: emle030205_BL0123.tar
    4. Release: emleFF: 3.4-5 (BL0123)
    5. Processor: Platform Independent
    6. Release Date: 2008-06-21
    7. File Type: Other
    8. [Update/Refresh]
  8. Release Emle.
    1. Continue from above.
    2. Step 1: Edit Existing Release
    3. Status: Active
    4. [Submit/Refresh]
  9. See that it worked.
    1. Download - Browse All Packages
    2. "Latest File Releases" table should have:
      "emleFF: 3.4-5 (BL0123) Jun 12, 2008"
    3. Follow the link "3.4-5 (BL0123)"
    4. "You have selected to download the 3.4-5 (BL0123) release. "
    5. Under "Latest 3.4-5 (BL0123) Notes (2008-06-12 10:02)" follow the link "emle030205_BL0123.tar"
  10. Untar the file and verify it works correctly.
  11. Follow instructions in SourceForge Project Emle
    Developer Documentation "HowTo Update Web Site with a New Release for Emle"
  12. Follow instructions in SourceForge Project Emle
    Developer Documentation "HowTo Setup CVS Sandbox for Emle"
  13. Update documentation on other sites

22-Mar-2010 C.W.Holeman II